The Protection Program
A program to help you determine if you have the right amount and type of insurance.
The best laid plans often fail to succeed due to unforeseen events sometimes beyond your control.
One of the foundations of a good plan is to take action to reduce the potential impact of an unforeseen event on you and your family.
This normally involves some form of insurance that would provide an income and/or capital sum in the event of a catastrophe arising. You may already have sufficient assets to meet any eventuality. If so, we will tell you that no insurance is required.
The Protection Program will highlight any areas that would benefit from insurance cover, the amount of cover that might be beneficial to have and the likely cost. If a trust arrangement is beneficial to hold, for example, a life policy we will recommend a suitable trust to you. The decision is then yours as to which area of cover is most important to you. We will then arrange for the cover that you require to be set up including dealing with the application forms and other administration until everything is in place.
This should give you peace of mind that you and your family are protected financially in the event that an unforeseen catastrophe arises in the future.